UCF Business Incubator to host SBIR Training Workshop
Orlando, Fla. (September 19, 2018) — Grant opportunities are plentiful for innovative small businesses, entrepreneurs and researchers, with more than $2.5 billion in federal government grants to be awarded this year.
To help businesses receive the funding, The University of Central Florida Business Incubation Program is offering a workshop on how to apply for federal grant funding specifically through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs.
The programs can help entrepreneurs and small businesses interested in or performing research by providing access to grant funds to support proof of concept and prototype development with the goal of moving successful technologies into the commercial market.
During the first part of the day, the workshop covers the basics of the programs, as well as a simple, four-step process for developing a competitive Phase I proposal for submission to any agency. Then, the seminar covers government accounting and the Phase I cost proposal, with an overview of critical concepts like allowability, indirect cost, F&A, and fee.
The workshop is being facilitated by Jim Greenwood who has been active in the SBIR program since its inception in 1983. Greenwood has offered SBIR/STTR workshops in 48 states and at the National SBIR Conferences, is an SBIR/STTR reviewer for the National Science Foundation (NSF), and has critiqued over 1,000 SBIR/STTR proposals for applicants.
Attendance of the workshop will include a free Phase I proposal review from Greenwood, a $450 value.
SBIR/STTR Phase I & Cost Proposal Workshop
Presented by Jim Greenwood
Greenwood Consulting Group, Inc.
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
UCF Business Incubator – Research Park
3259 Progress Drive, Orlando, Fla., 32826
Room 127A&B
Early Bird Special: $95 if you register by September 20, 2018
Regular: $120 after September 20, 2018
*UCF Researchers, Students & Incubator Companies are eligible for an additional discount. Please contact Ricardo Garcia at rg@ucf.edu for additional details.
*Registration fees will include materials covered, breakfast and lunch.
Sponsored By: Duane Morris Government Strategies, LLC & Thaney & Associates CPA.
Workshop Registration and additional information:
About the SBIR/STTR Program & the UCF Business Incubation Program:
Annually, more than $2.5 billion in government grants are awarded exclusively to small businesses to encourage Research & Development (R&D) of innovations with potential for commercialization. The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) enable small businesses to explore their technological potential and provide the incentive to profit from its commercialization. Since the UCF Business Incubation Program (UCFBIP) began in 1999, over 230 Phase 1 & 2 awards totaling over $73 Million have been awarded through the SBIR/STTR Program to small businesses engaged with the UCFBIP.
Small businesses, as well as university researchers and students, are eligible to access these government dollars through this program. SBIR provides early-stage research and development funding to small technology companies or individuals who are interested in forming a company. STTR is a similar program that requires small businesses to team up with a nonprofit research entity, such as a university.
About the UCF Business Incubation Program:
The University of Central Florida Business Incubation Program is a community resource that provides early-stage companies with the tools, training and infrastructure to become financially stable, high growth/impact enterprises. Since 1999, this award-winning program has helped over 390 local startup companies reach their potential faster by providing vital business development resources.
With nine facilities throughout the region, the UCF Business Incubation Program is an economic development partnership between the University of Central Florida, the Corridor, Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Volusia Counties, and the cities of Apopka, Kissimmee, Orlando and Winter Springs. For the 2014/15 and 2015/16 fiscal years, the activities of these participating firms have helped to sustain more than 4,710 local jobs and have had a cumulative impact of over $725 million on regional GDP and over $1.3 billion on regional sales. During the same period, the program has returned $7.41 in state and local taxes for every $1.00 invested in the program. For more information, visit www.incubator.ucf.edu
About Duane Morris Government Strategies, LLC:
Duane Morris Government Strategies (DMGS) is a full-service, bi-partisan government relations firm with a reputation for results. Making an impact at the federal, state and local levels requires understanding and navigating government, years of experience and a deep knowledge of the players and the government legislative process. DMGS’ team of grant writers has years of experience identifying, qualifying, pursuing and securing grants at the federal, state and local levels of government, as well as with foundation, corporate and private funding. DMGS’ Grant Strategies Division provides three basic services: grant monitoring, grant writing and grant development. Through experience with various programs, DMGS can be a valuable partner in identifying eligible costs and project needs, drafting first-rate applications and monitoring the grant process throughout its duration. For additional information, please visit www.dmgs.com.
About Thaney & Associates CPAs:
Thaney & Associates, CPAs, is a firm that has been in existence for 50 years, with offices in both New York and Florida. Our philosophy is that tax services alone are not enough. Our firm provides a wide array of services assisting clients with financial reporting, tax compliance, and consulting needs. This philosophy requires us to provide our diverse client base with the widest possible range of financial services. It’s a philosophy our staff embraces – and that today’s accounting service buyers demand. . For additional information, please visit www.thaneycpa.com.
For more information media should contact:
Ricardo Garcia, Government Resources Manager, UCF Business Incubation Program, 407-823-2346, rg@ucf.edu
Workshop Registration and additional information: www.bit.ly/SBIROrlando2018