What services do you offer?

At Career Scoops, we offer a range of services tailored to guide young adults in their quest to find their dream careers. Here’s a breakdown of our offerings:

1. AI-Powered Career Matching: Utilizing state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, we match individuals to one of over 800 professions based on their personal interests, skills, and strengths. This ensures a fit that resonates with the individual’s passions and aptitudes.

2. Personalized Virtual Sessions: Once matched, users can schedule one-on-one virtual sessions with seasoned professionals in their chosen career fields. This offers a real-world glimpse into the day-to-day of the profession and provides invaluable insights.

3. Career Guidance and Counseling: Beyond the initial matching, we provide optional continuous support in the form of guidance and counseling. This helps users navigate challenges and make informed decisions as they journey through their chosen paths.

4. Professional Networking Opportunities: Our platform also opens doors to a vast network of professionals across various fields. This aids in building valuable connections, mentoring relationships, and potential job opportunities.

5. Workshops and Webinars: Periodically, we organize workshops and webinars on various career-related topics, offering users the chance to learn, engage, and upskill.

Our primary goal is to equip young adults with the knowledge, confidence, and resources they need to make empowered career decisions and to confidently step into the workforce.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

What I cherish most about my work at Career Scoops is the profound impact we can make in the lives of young adults. There’s an indescribable satisfaction in knowing that through our platform, we’re not just helping individuals find a job, but guiding them towards their true calling. Witnessing the transformation in a person’s outlook, from being uncertain and overwhelmed to becoming confident and driven about their career path, is immensely rewarding. Each success story, each smile, and each thank-you note we receive is a testament to the positive change we’re fostering. It’s this potential to shape futures, influence decisions, and inspire dreams that fuels my passion and commitment every single day. The joy in knowing that we’re making a real difference in people’s lives is amazing!

What inspired you to start your business?

The inspiration to start Career Scoops came from a deeply personal place. As a parent, I always wished for my son, Arman, to find his passion and pursue a career that resonates with his strengths and interests. As Arman navigated through high school, we both realized the challenges and uncertainties that many young adults face when making crucial career decisions. This shared concern and the desire to simplify the process for others like him led us to the idea of Career Scoops. It wasn’t just about starting a business; it was about addressing a gap that many face. Having Arman as a co-founder has been instrumental, as his perspective as a student offers invaluable insights, ensuring we stay relevant and genuinely assist the new generation in discovering their dream careers. Our journey is a testament to the belief that age is no barrier to innovation, and together, we’re on a mission to guide young adults towards a fulfilling and passionate professional path.

What gets you out of bed every morning?

What truly gets me out of bed every morning is the profound realization that even a small action on my part can create a ripple effect, potentially transforming someone’s life. The idea that through Career Scoops, I might offer even a fleeting glimpse of clarity or direction to a young adult, igniting their passion or paving their path, fuels my drive daily. Each morning presents an opportunity to make a meaningful impact, and that possibility, no matter how minute, is both an honor and a responsibility I cherish deeply. Knowing that my work can be a beacon for someone, guiding them towards their dream career and a fulfilling life, is the most motivating force I could ask for.

What is your secret to making progress each day?

My secret to making progress each day is rooted in envisioning my future. Each morning, I reflect on where I want to be five years from now. This forward-thinking approach ensures that I don’t get bogged down by the immediate challenges or bumps in the road. Instead, I maintain a long-term vision of success, which guides my daily actions and keeps me aligned with my overarching goals. This perspective not only motivates me but also provides a clear roadmap to stay on course, even on the toughest days.

Tell us one thing people don’t know about you.

One thing people might not know about me is that everywhere I’ve worked, my primary drive has been to create a ripple effect of positive change. I’ve always strived not just for personal success, but to ensure that my efforts lead to benefits for others around me. It’s not just about the role or the task at hand, but the larger impact I can make in any given environment.

A typical weekend for me is…

A typical weekend for me involves a balance between work and personal time. On Saturdays, I’m usually immersed in my work, catching up on tasks and planning for the week ahead. However, Sundays are reserved exclusively for family and church. It’s a day I cherish, where I can connect with my loved ones and rejuvenate spiritually.

What will people get from your business that they won’t get anywhere else?

What sets my business apart from others is genuine “Care.” At the core of everything we do is a deep-rooted commitment to our customers, employees, and every individual who becomes a part of our journey.

Have you won any awards or had any special recognition or acknowledgement of your business?

Our business pitch was recognized with a second-place finish at the Orlando Startup Weekend in 2022. We also received a Proclamation from the City of Orlando on July 28th, issued by Mayor Buddy Dyer. One of our advisory board members is Tom Kosnik, who taught Marketing and Entrepreneurship for over 28 years at Stanford and is passionate to help our mission.

What are your plans for the future of your business?

In the future of my business, I envision becoming a trusted go-to resource for educational institutions aiming to assist their students in career progression. Additionally, I want to support employers in attracting the right talent, ensuring a mutually beneficial match between candidates and companies.

What’s your secret talent no one knows about?

I am skilled at leveraging limited resources and able to rebound when times are hard.

What did you want to be when growing up?

An award-winning mathematician

What is your favorite thing to do in the wonderful area of Central Florida?

I like my late afternoon walks that help me to energize and clear my head.

What would people never guess you do in your role?

I write code and do other exploration and experimentation work every week.

What do you love most about your industry?

What I love most about the career exploration industry, especially as a technology-driven company like Career Scoops, is the intersection of innovation and human aspiration. Our mission to help the new generation discover their dream careers is empowered by cutting-edge technology, allowing us to reach and impact more lives than ever before. Every time our platform connects a user to their potential future, we’re not just using technology; we’re humanizing it. It’s incredibly fulfilling to be at the forefront of such a dynamic industry, where the blend of tech and personal growth is shaping the future of work.

How have you advanced professionally since starting your business?

Yes, I have advanced professionally in the areas of entrepreneurship, business development, and marketing.

New Client Q&A: Career Scoops